Packlodge-System Wiki


Packlodge Utilities is a comprehensive plugin designed to enhance the multiplayer experience in Minecraft servers. With a focus on convenience and functionality, this plugin introduces a range of features aimed at server administrators and players alike. From tracking player playtime to managing player locations, and even facilitating modpack distribution, Packlodge Utilities offers a versatile set of tools to streamline server management and gameplay interaction.

Modrinth Spigot GitHub Issues


Player Playtime Tracking

The plugin meticulously records the playtime of each player on the server. Server administrators can easily monitor player activity and engagement levels over time. Players can also view their own playtime statistics to track their progress and achievements.

Player Location Management

Packlodge Utilities provides a robust system for managing player locations within the game world. Players can save specific locations of interest, such as bases or landmarks, for easy navigation. Location names can be customized, making it simple to organize and recall important spots.

Modpack Distribution

Server administrators can effortlessly distribute modpacks to players using the built-in modpack command. A customizable modpack link allows for easy access to the latest server modifications and enhancements. Players can download the modpack directly from the server with just a click, ensuring seamless integration of server updates.

Easy Update System

Packlodge Utilities includes a straightforward update system for keeping the plugin up-to-date. Server administrators can use the /psget update command to download the latest version of the plugin. The /psget upgrade command ensures a smooth upgrade process by handling server shutdown and plugin replacement automatically, reducing downtime and administrative effort.

Integrated Web Server

Packlodge Utilities comes with an integrated web server for easy access to player information. Administrators can generate and download player info files directly from the server. The web server is configurable and can be easily enabled or disabled, providing flexibility for server management.



  • pssu.seen - Allows access to all commands that start with /seen
  • pssu.playtime - Allows access to all commands that start with /playtime
  • - Allows access to all commands that start with /psd
  • pssu.location - Allows access to all commands that start with /location
  • pssu.modpack - Allows access to all commands that start with /modpack
  • - Allows access to all commands that start with /psget
  • pssu.pac - Allows access to all commands that start with /pac



  • /playtime - Displays player playtime.
  • /playtime {player} - Displays specified player's playtime.
  • /playtime top - Displays top 10 players' playtime.
  • Sub-commands:
    • -h - Displays playtime in hours. Usage: /playtime -h, /playtime {player} -h, /playtime top -h
    • -m - Displays playtime in minutes. Usage: /playtime -m, /playtime {player} -m, /playtime top -m
    • -s - Displays playtime in seconds. Usage: /playtime -s, /playtime {player} -s, /playtime top -s


  • /seen {player} - Displays when specified player was last online.


  • /location save {location-name} - Saves your coordinates to your location list with the specified name.
  • /location del {location-name} - Deletes the location with the specified name from your location list.
  • /location rename {location-name} {new-location-name} - Changes the name of the specified location to the new specified location name.
  • /location list - Lists all your locations.


  • /modpack - Outputs a green clickable text in chat that when clicked opens the modpack download link.


  • /psd modpack-link {link} - Changes the modpack download link in the config.yml.
  • /psd modpack enable - Enables the usage of the /modpack command.
  • /psd modpack disable - Disables the usage of the /modpack command.
  • /psd location {player} list - Lists the specified player's locations.
  • /psd location {player} del {location-name} - Deletes the specified location of the specified player.
  • /psd location {player} save {location-name} - Saves the sender's location to the specified player's locations.
  • /psd location {player} rename {location-name} {new-location-name} - Renames the specified player location.
  • /psd web-server enable - Enables the activation and startup of the integrated web server.
  • /psd web-server disable - Disables the activation and startup of the integrated web server.
  • /psd web-server url {url} - Sets the link that will be used for all in-game web server-related commands.
  • /psd web-server access-port {port} - Sets the port that will be used when generating links in the chat.
  • /psd web-server port {port} - Sets the port that your web server will run on.
  • /psd web-server auth true - Turns on the credentials prompt on the web server (default user: admin pass: admin).
  • /psd web-server auth false - Turns off the credentials prompt on the web server (default user: admin pass: admin).
  • /psd locate {player} - Sends the specified player's in-game location.
  • /psd ip {player} - Sends the specified player's IP address.
  • /psd info {player} - Sends the specified player's in-game location and IP address.
  • /psd info -print {player} - Creates a file on the web server and sends a clickable link to download the player's info.
  • /psd pac enable - Enables the pac command.
  • /psd pac disable - Disables the pac command.
  • /psd tab-ping enable - Sets the tab-ping attribute to true in the config.yml.
  • /psd tab-ping disable - Sets the tab-ping attribute to false in the config.yml.


  • /psget update - Downloads the latest plugin version.
  • /psget update -beta - Downloads the latest beta plugin version.
  • /psget upgrade - Stops the server and deletes the old plugin version (server needs to be started manually after command has run).


  • /pac - Sends a clickable green link that takes you to the online latest (pac).
  • /pac -print - Downloads the latest (pac) from the internet and uploads it to the web-server to host locally on the built in web-server.



# Modpack command configuration
modpack-link: # specify the download link to the modpack
modpack-command: false # choose to enable or disable the usage of modpack command with false|true

# Web-Server Configuration
web-server: true # choose to enable or disable the activation and startup of the integrated web-server with false|true (true=web-server on and false of).
web-server-url: http://localhost # set the link that will be used for all in game web-server related commands. (this is not the actual ip that the web-server is hosted on as that is controlled by the minecraft server)
web-server-access-port: 9595 # set the port that will be used when generating links in the chat useful if you are running a reverse-proxy with https. (leave the same if you have the same port locally and externally)
web-server-port: 9595 # set the port that your web-server will run on.
web-server-authentication: true # Turn on or off the login prompt when going to the web-server. (change the default username and password in /web-server/

# Permissions and Commands (PAC) configuration
pac-command: true # enable disable pac command with either true or false.

# Better TAB-List Ping Configuration
tab-ping: true # turn on and of the better tab list ping with true and false.